Monday, March 7, 2011


Some consciousness capsules for you... Love you...

Do you know that everybody in this world, every human has a disease? their minds are deeply wounded, there are masters of fear, masters of angry, masters of hate, sadness, envy? did you know it?

Do you know all this wounded minds hurt their self to their emotional body? they have their emotional body wounded too, they have tons of emotional poison in their life... did you know it?

They cannot see the truth, they are sleeping in their own dream called Human Life, they are deeply dreaming their own dreams, dreams of sorrow, dreams of lack, dreams of sadness... there is a thick fog in front of them, and they really believe their dream is the only truth in the world... did you know it?

Tons of people are suffering in the land of happiness, they are dying in the land of abundance, they are crying in the world of beauty... why? Because they cannot be aware of who really they are, they really and deeply think are humans, simply humans... with no control of their life or their world... they are sleep... mighty angels playing to be humans so hard, that they really believe it... did you know it?

Do you want to leave the dream? do you want to awake to the real world? do you? is so simple... so damn simple... But, when you are sleeping, and comfortable dreaming sometimes you don't want to awake, because you are really enjoying all this dream, all this drama behind you, because drama keeps you alive, because drama is sweet and makes you feel human... do you really?

I really wait for your response... meanwhile, the only thing I can tell you is:

At least be aware that people around you has its mind and emotions wounded, they have not fault, they have NOT FAULT, they are sleeping and living their own dream, don't blame them, don't accuse them... UNDERSTAND THEM, they are sleeping... accept the way they've chosen to live their own dream, they are also free to decide how to live their life, as your are totally free to decide your own... ACCEPT THEM, they are living their dream, and they really believe what they live... HONOR THEM, they are also angels like you, they are divine as you are... God is within they too... and LOVE THEM, because they are choosing like you do, they are living like you also do, don't try to change them, they are really enjoying their own dream, let them free, let them be whatever they want, Just LOVE THEM but be aware, be aware they have their poison, they haver their wounds; because they are sleeping.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Un Amanecer junto a ti.
Para ti... Quien quiera que seas...

Cuando el alba irrumpe, el silencio calla,
Solo un latido atenta contra mi ser,
Un solo infinito desaparece a la vista y es el instante divino,
Rebosa de belleza en nuestras pupilas amantes,
Que extasiadas en mirarse, suspenden su frenético andar,
Solo porque en ese campo, una nueva vida comienza…

El olor de la hierba, matiza con los aromas que a mi alrededor respiran,
En ese palpitar punzante que mi ser apuntala y desborda el placer,
Esa pasión deforme, Esa alquimia mágica que despierta mi olfato,
Esa respiración consciente que te deja saber,
Que no solo humanos reposan sobre el prado,
Que no solo Dios esta escabulléndose de la oscuridad…

Ese primer calor que espanta la escarcha que besa la hierba,
La misma donde reposan los amantes eternos,
Que con su amor frenético han descubierto su propio Calor,
Ese cálido contacto de la caricia que besa,
Ese exquisito toque que estremece,
Ese sentir que embriaga, entre calor, placer,
Entre vida, palpitar y ser…

Besos escondidos que se ponen a la luz,
marcas en los labios que evocan placer,
Sabor en la boca que recuerda el sendero,
de cada camino oscuro que el duende piso,
Durante la eterna noche de luna nueva,
Donde solo su oído guiaba los pasos correctos,
En cada gemir de las hojas en el suelo,
El sutil desagarro de las ramas al viento,
En el sudor del agotamiento,
De los cuerpos anidados al amor…

Palpitar que se detiene, silencio que extasía,
Instante que se vuelve para siempre,
Almas que danzan sobre el planeta,
Seres que se funden en una hoguera,
Fabricada de ramas secas de otoño,
Sonata a un solo fuego que ata,
Lazos multicolores de energía,
Devastadora fuerza, agresiva revolución,
Que solo un simple rayo de sol,
Ha creado, para fundir en un solo ser,
Los ángeles de la oscuridad y la luz…